QLER Take: Use Telehealth to Reduce Stress Overload in the Emergency Department

QLER Take - Use Telehealth to Reduce Stress Overload in the Emergency Department

America’s dependence on the Emergency Department (ED) across all types of communities shows no signs of abating. It is where our system offers universal care. QLER is acutely attuned to this situation as our team of psychiatrists is working in dozens of ED’s via our telehealth solution on any given hour of any given day. […]

QLER Take: Cultural Competency in Mental Health Care

QLER Take - Cultural Competency in Mental Health Care

Cultural competency is more than just a matter of language fluency, it’s a powerful and integral component in creating expert mental health care, and it’s a priority at QLER. We have carefully developed a team of providers ensuring our services are respectful of and tailored to the diverse cultural backgrounds of patients when relevant and […]

QLER Telepsychiatry Announces the Appointment of New Board Member

Strategic and operations leader in healthcare brings decades of experience to high-growth, physician-led telepsychiatry organization. RESTON, Va., March 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — QLER Telepsychiatry is pleased to announce the appointment of Frazer Buntin to the company’s Board of Directors. Frazer Buntin joins the QLER Telepsychiatry board currently serving as the Chief Operating Officer of Wayspring Health, a substance […]

Telehealth psychiatry program begins at CRMC

QLER Patient Consult View

Source: Lindsay Pride, Herald-Citizen Every day, approximately five people who need psychiatry services visit Cookeville Regional Medical Center‘s emergency room, according to hospital COO Buffy Key. This week, a telepsychiatry program launched at CRMC  to assist those patients, a move that is expected not only to get those patients more quickly into treatment, but also […]

QLER Telepsychiatry awarded Behavioral Health Care Accreditation

From The Joint Commission We are excited to announce that QLER Telepsychiatry has earned The Joint Commission’s GoldSeal of Approval® for Behavioral Health and Human Services Accreditation by demonstratingcontinuous compliance with its performance standards. The Gold Seal is a symbol of quality thatreflects our organization’s commitment to providing safe and quality patient care. We recently […]


A MESSAGE FROM OUR CHEIF MEDICAL OFFICER KATHY SEWARD, MD A disturbing trend:  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide rates are increasing across the United States and more than half of those that died were not diagnosed with a mental health condition prior to their death. The Mental Healthcare Provider Shortage:  Telepsychiatry and […]


A MESSAGE FROM OUR CHEIF MEDICAL OFFICER KATHY SEWARD, MD America is waking up: CMS appears to be giving telehealth its due credit, in its new rural health strategy. And it’s about time! For veterans living with PTSD, telehealth is leading to positive results: The Veterans Administration is offering treatment through music, movement and visual arts. Coverage parity: […]

ER wait times, length of stay far longer for psychiatric patients

By Maria Castellucci  | October 17, 2016 Psychiatric patients wait disproportionately longer in emergency departments before receiving treatment and experience longer stays compared to other patients, according to reports released Monday by the American College of Emergency Physicians. The three separate studies examined how emergency rooms care for patients with psychiatric conditions compared to other patients […]

Psych Patients in the ED

As emergency rooms fail in treating mental health, systems create new plans, centers Extended boarding in chaotic emergency departments detrimental to patients and physicians, experts agree. From Healthcare Finance More than 80 percent of emergency room physicians say the mental healthcare systems in their regions are dysfunctional, and do not adequately serve patients, according to a […]

Studies pinpoint likelihood of 30-day readmissions, identify prevention measures

Studies pinpoint likelihood of 30-day readmissions, identify prevention measures More than 25% of readmissions could have been prevented, researchers say March 7, 2016 | By Julie Bird, Fierce Healthcare Hospitals could have prevented more than a quarter of readmissions of discharged Medicare patients within 30 days, according to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine by […]